Accretion discs/Old

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    Accretion discs are flattened astronomical objects made of rapidly rotating gas which slowly spirals onto a central gravitating body (accretor). The gravitational energy of infalling matter extracted in accretion discs powers stellar binaries, active galactic nuclei, proto-planetary discs and some gamma-ray bursts. The black hole accretion in quasars is the most powerful and efficient engine known in the universe. Accretion discs physics is governed by a non-linear combination of many processes, including gravity, hydrodynamics, viscosity, radiation and magnetic fields. The high angular momentum of matter in an accretion disc is gradually transported outwards by stresses (turbulent, magnetic, etc.). This allows matter to gradually spiral inwards, towards the center of gravity. This matter's gravitational energy is degraded to heat. A fraction of the heat is converted into radiation, which partially escapes and cools down the accretion disc.

    More information is provided in the sub-sections of this Scholarpedia article (right).

    The TABLE below gives a summary of basic properties of different types of accretion discs.


    1. Observational evidence for accretion discs
    2. Basic physics of accretion discs
          2.1 The black hole gravity
    3. Analytic models of accretion discs
          3.1. Thin discs
          3.2. Thick discs
    4. Numerical simulations
    5. Temporal behaviour
    6. Observational appearance
    7. Fundamental unsolved problems
    8. References

    TABLE: A short summary of the basic properties of accretion discs     based on a lecture by Kristen Menou   (November 2008, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden)


    In proto-planetary systems
    Around white dwarfs
    (WD) in cataclysmic binaries

    In black hole (BH)
    or neutron star (NS) binaries
    In quasars
    and other AGN
    In gamma ray burst
    (GRB) sources
    ~1 Msun star
    ~1 Msun WD
    3-10 Msun BH; ~1 Msun NS
    106 - 109Msun BH
    3-10 Msun BH
    click the image
    Proto-planetary-190x190.jpg Wz-sge-disc-spirals.jpg Accretion-disc.jpg M87-jet.jpg Gamma-ray.jpg
    Basic physics
    The central part of a dense molecular cloud collapses to a proto-star surrounded by a proto-planetary accretion disc. Self gravity and sedimentation trigger the formation of planets. Bipolar outflows ("slow" jets) often emerge from proto-planetary discs.
    U Gem is the prototype of a dwarf novae system, i.e. a close stellar binary, with "primary" being a WD with accretion disc. The disc's brightness in the visible light increases 100-fold every ~120 days and returns to the original level after a ~week, due to (mainly) a limit-cycle instability.
    X-ray binaries (XRB) consist a mass loosing main-sequence "secondary" star and accreting BH or NS. Among XRBs, the soft X-ray transients (with BH or NS) show quasi-periodic outbursts. Most of the BH XRBs exhibit "fast" jets, and for this reason are called microquasars.
    AGN are supermassive BH at centers of galaxies. Accretion produces radiative power that often outshines the host galaxy. A large torus of gas and dust partially obscures the accretion disc. "Fast" (almost speed of light) jets emerge from many AGNs.
    GRBs are the most energetic explosions in the universe. Models of GRBs invoke a black hole (M~3Msun) accreting matter at highly super-Eddington rates. The huge power of gamma-rays is possibly due to an extraction of the BH rotational energy (the Blandford- Znajek mechanism).
    Angular momentum transport
    Radial: in the inner disc region and at the surface, where the disc is sufficiently ionised (by X-rays, cosmic rays and collisions), via MRI induced turbulence; in the dead zone via gravitational instability
    Vertical: via outflows and/or torque exerted by large scale magnetic fields.
    Local: in the high state via MRI induced turbulent viscosity;
    Global: direct dissipation by tidal spirals when the incoming supersonic flow shocks on the accretion disc
    Local: MRI drives a turbulent viscosity which also produces shear stresses;
    Global: spiral shocks?
    Inner disc: viscous friction (MRI);
    Outer disc: unclear, possibly by global disturbances in the gravitational field (gravito-turbulence)
    Inner disc: MRI induced turbulent viscosity (in the optically thick mid-plane a very large neutrino viscosity could shut off MRI);
    Outer disc: (> 140 RG) uncertain
    Black body radiation, convection, collisions
    Black body radiation
    Thin/slim disc: advection, black body radiation;
    Adaf: advection, bremsstrahlung, Compton scattering
    Thick disc (corona): bremsstrahlung, Compton scattering;
    Thin disc: black body radiation
    Inner disc: neutrino cooled;
    Outer disc: advection cooled

    1011 - 1015 cm
    10-2 - 200 AU
    109 - 1010 cm
    10-4 - 10-3 AU
    106 - 1011 cm
    10-7 - 10-2 AU
    106 - 1011 cm x [M/Msun]
    10 - 106 RG
    105 - 10? cm x [M/Msun]
    6 - 10? RG

    103 - 101 K 105 - 103 K 107 - 103 K 105 - 102 K 1010 - 109 K

    L << LEdd L << LEdd L << LEdd
    L ~ LEdd
    L < LEdd
    L > LEdd,  L >> LEdd
    L >> LEdd
    Theoretical models
    Mostly thin discs, thick discs (early epochs), layered discs (with a magnetically inactive 'dead zone' in the mid-plane region)
    Thin discs (truncated and with funnel/column accretion if the WD is magnetised)
    Thin discs, slim discs, adafs
    Thick discs (corona), slim discs
    Thick discs, thin discs, hyper-accretion, ndaf
    References Hartmann (1998)
    Alexander (2008)
    Frank, King & Raine (2002)
    Warner (2003)
    Frank, King & Raine (2002)
    Remillard & McClintock (2006)
    Krolik (1998)
    on-line compilation
    Popham, Woosley & Fryer (1999)
    Di Matteo, Perna & Narayan (2002)
    > PREVIOUS SECTION   8. References   > NEXT SECTION   1. Observational evidence...

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