Scholarpedia:Invitation to Neuroscience
Dear %NAME%,
As Editor-in-Chief I would like to invite you to write the entry "%TITLE%" for the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, hosted by Scholarpedia -- the free peer reviewed encyclopedia ( We expect that this should take relatively little time, as we intend that most articles be only 2000 words in length. As Scholarpedia is a scholarly publication, your article would receive peer review. Upon its acceptance, you would become the "Curator" of "%TITLE%", with final say on how or whether the article is updated as the topic advances.
In essence, the Scholarpedia project aims to synthesize the philosophies of Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia. We hope you will seriously considering joining this global effort. By participating, you would be joining the ranks of Nobel Laureates, Fields Medalists, Turing Award winners, and countless other scientists at the top of their field. Most articles in Scholarpedia are written by the original author(s) of the concept. Thus Scholarpedia has in it:
- "GABA" by Eugene Roberts (original discoverer)
- "Episodic Memory" by Endel Tulving (inventor of the term)
- "Echolocation in Bats" by Robert Galambos (original discoverer)
- "Blindsight" by Larry Weiskrantz (original discoverer)
- "fMRI" by Seiji Ogawa (original inventor)
- "Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation" by Anthony T. Barker (its inventor)
- "Neural Correlates of Consciousness" by Christoff Koch
- "Synesthesia" by V.S. Ramachandran.
- "Fuzzy logic" by Lofti Zadeh (original inventor)
- "Saltatory conduction" by Ichiji Tasaki (co-discoverer, in 1939)
- "Chaos" by Jim Yorke
If you click on the "Computational Neuroscience" link (left menu), you will see the list of general categories (topics) of the encyclopedia. Click on the categories to see individual articles and the names of the authors. Click "Random article" (left menu) for a sample article. %YOURNAMEWASSUGGESTED% While you are welcome to write the article yourself, articles are often completed most quickly when those invited write with a co-author (e.g. a former student or post-doc). This junior co-author will also be in a good position to help maintain the article in the long run -- The Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience will be published in a printed form, but its main purpose is to remain online as a constant evolving resource for, and maintained by, the scholarly community.
I have created the following account for you in Scholarpedia: Username: %USERNAME% Password: %PASSWORD% To accept this invitation, please click %URL% There you will choose a self-imposed deadline.
If you cannot write this article within a reasonable period of time, please let me know as soon as possible, or click %URL%&no=1
Your article, positioned alongside "Hopfield network" by John Hopfield and "Fitzhugh-Nagumo model" by Richard FitzHugh, will no doubt be regarded as the authoritative source on "%TITLE%" -- we hope that you accept our invitation so the community receives as accurate an account of the topic as possible.
Sincerely Yours,
Eugene M. Izhikevich
Editor-in-Chief of Scholarpedia -- the free peer-reviewed encyclopedia.