Talk:Aloha random access

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    In the following my suggestions to improve the quality of this article are reported.

    - Abstract: according to me, the part of the sentence "...due to interference by..." should be modified in "...due to collisions with...". Interference doesn't imply that the packect is not correctly received but just that the useful signal is superimposed at an interference signal.

    - History: last sentence, substitute "WiMax" with "WiMAX". it should be the form used in the WiMAX forum.

    - Throughput of an ALOHA Channel: second sentence, please add a comma after "seconds";

    - Throughput of an ALOHA Channel: sentence after formula (1), please add a comma after "correctly";

    - Throughput of an ALOHA Channel: second sentence after the figure 3, please add a comma between "of a slot" and "the resulting...";

    - Throughput of an ALOHA Channel: sentence "The maximum throughput..." please, use a unique notation for "Slotted ALOHA" i.e. remove the capital letter "S" as in the rest of the article;

    - "See also" section: EDGE, remove the space coomand before the second bracket.

    - "See also" section: WiFi and WiMax acronyms are inverted. Moreover, put WiMAX instead of WiMax.

    - My last suggestion regards the lambda definition. The reported definition is not wrong but it is restricted at minimum. Then, according to me it should be better to give a wider definition, including the physical meaning of this parameter. For example explaning that lambda is the inter-arrival packect frequency and it is the inter-arrival packect frequency of ALL users (not of the only one user). Then G should be divided by all users accessing the channel, etc... I know that it is inside the poisson distribution meaning/definition but it could be repeated for completeness.

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