Talk:NMR studies of electronic properties of solids

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    P1, L1 "permits local measurements" what means local measurement to the reader? atomic scale resolution? perhaps change

    p2, Introduction P2, L2 "incidence on" appears to mean "affect on" or similar words perhaps change

    P2, L5 "local" again local has no size perhaps change

    P3, L7 h-bar is not explained perhaps explain

    P4, L2 Curie formula: now we have an I^2 in there and not a I(I+1), which might be ok, but should it not read 1/3 and not 1/2 since the trace is 1/3 I(I+1)(2I+1)? please change, explain

    P4, L5 "macroscopic magnetization" this is where the reader might be confused, as local and microscopic have not been explained perhaps change

    p3 after "The magnetic resonance phenomenon.." P1,L1 "Discovered at the onset of the second world war..." Bloch's as well as Purcell's paper came out 1946; perhaps one should refer to them explain or change

    P1,L3 The success of NMR is due to various things, also low energy (not harmful to biological matter) perhaps add

    P1,L4 "A highly homogeneous.." is not necessary at this point, and not true for certain applications (oil well NMR) delete or be more specific

    P2,L5 "permits" should be singular "permit" change

    p4: Chemical shifts here core and van Vleck term are not distinguished, maybe the reader is aware that only the outer electrons change with bonding and their effect on the shift is most important, not that of the core electrons

    p5: Knight shift P1,L7 "on site" into "on-site", and "Equ(2" is messed up

    P2,L5 "and the Pauli susceptibility is high ..." The Pauli susceptibility is not high, it is just amplified due to the hyperfine coefficients. change

    NMR in Magnetic Materials P1,L6 "nuclei distinct from" does not make sense, do you mean "distant" change

    p5 1D metals P1,L5 "evidences" no plural change

    p6 1D metals last line: "strong strong" delete one

    p6 Spin lattice relaxation P1,L1 "local susceptibilities" use singular change

    P1,L2 "ground state" and later "excited electronic states" It shows up later, as well: to me (and otheres) the chemical shift is a ground state property, changed due to an external parameter, the field by involving also coupling to high-energy states. The Kight shift is a statistical occupation (FD statistic) process and not a ground state property. The spin lattice relaxation does measure excited states, but except for two-photon processes it is typically very, very, very low energy. The distinction between shift and relaxation is not ground and excited state is it real and imaginary business.

    P1,L4 end of line: perhaps say "after they have been disturbed". perhaps change

    p6 Spin lattice relaxation in standard P1,L1 "enough and writes" change into "enough and one writes"

    p7 Incidence of weak P2,Lfrom bottom 9: "Sdependent" change

    p8 Knight shift, relaxation and gap P1,L6 "shit" into "shift"

    below eq.(11) "Fermi function The" forgot period

    last P from bottom, L1: "T = 0" this should be as T approaches 0 change

    p9 P1,L2: "Tc.." only one period

    p9 Field distribution... P1,L9 "One then observe" an s missing

    p10 Quadrupolar ... around definition of EFG: You defined the Q of the nucleus. It interacts with the EFG, but it does not have to be static, since it can lead to relaxations as well. I think one does not have to say that the nuclear charge induces field gradients. One could just say the EFG due to surrounding electronic charges. change the text

    Eq (13): no brackets in denominator

    p11 Quadrupole split P1,L3 no = sign after period

    Eq (14) the nu-Q has been defined for pure QI, now I guess the factor of 1/2 is missing in (14). change

    p11 Pure quadrupole P1L1 "hamiltonian" into "Hamiltonian" change

    P1,L5: "zero field" should be "zero magnetic field" so the reader is not confused with magnetic and electric field. P2,L4 next page, same thing P2, L6: this is not true, the RF penetration in zero field faces similar issues. One could say that one can study the type-I state with some limitations.

    p12 Impurities and disorder I am not sure whether the reader understands the word "impurity". I think one should say what is meant. There are impurities that play no role for metals.

    p13 Transferred P2,L8 "the Cu sites,the" typo period after last line missing as well

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