Talk:Standards of Fundamental Astronomy

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    I have the following comments and suggestions concerning the entry “Standards of Fundamental Astronomy”: 1. The IAU designation for Divisions is in Roman Numerals, so it should be Division I, not Division 1 in each case. 2. I did not think that SOFA reported only to Commission 19, but rather to Division I and other commissions. 3. The Introduction ought to include a general description of the subject matter included in the software. 4. The paragraph on "SOFA’s Current Software Collection" is awkward. 5. The references are all to the status of the SOFA software. Should there be any references to the subject matter of the software? 6. Otherwise this is a good description of SOFA.

    Author : Notees on Reviewer A's comments

    1. Corrected.

    2. Yes the official reporting chain is throught C19 to Div I.

    3. I've added to the first paragraph.

    4. Reviewer B has changed this paragraph and quite a few of the others (for the better).

    5. This is about SOFA and what it provides; not about the choices for the particular methods. The software code contains the references pertanent to each routine.

    6. Thank you.

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