Marco Dorigo
IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
In development
Curator and author
Articles sponsored or reviewed

Scholarpedia, 2(3):1461. (2007).
Scholarpedia, 2(9):1462. (2007).
(with Mauro Birattari)
Scholarpedia, 3(11):1486. (2008).
(with Marco A. Montes de Oca
and Andries Engelbrecht)
Scholarpedia, 9(1):1463.(2014).
(with Mauro Birattari
and Manuele Brambilla)
Marco Dorigo
Dr. Dorigo has received many awards for his research, including the Italian Prize for Artificial Intelligence in 1996, the European "Marie Curie Excellence Award" in 2003, the Leeuw-Damry-Bourlart Award in 2005, and the Cajastur International Prize in 2007. In 2010 he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant by the European Research Council. Dr. Dorigo has given invited talks all over the globe, and has been a plenary speaker at numerous recent international conferences. Dr. Dorigo is a fellow of the IEEE and the ECCAI, is the first Editor in Chief of the journal "Swarm Intelligence", and is an associate editor of numerous other international journals.
Dr. Dorigo has made seminal contributions to the fields of swarm intelligence and soft computing, as is reflected by his h-index of more than 77. He invented the Ant Colony Optimization metaheuristic, coordinated the Swarm-bots and Swarmanoid projects and is the author of more than 300 publications.
You can find out more about him and his research at
(originally featured 26 August 2008)Author profile by Leo Trottier
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