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Karsten Riisager
Aarhus University, Denmark.
Articles sponsored or reviewed
Curiculum Vitae
Name Karsten Riisager
Born June 1959
Nationality Danish
Address Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Education (all at Aarhus University)
1983 Master in Physics (Minor subject mathematics)
1986 PhD in Physics
1994 Dr. Scient. in Physics
1983 Research assistant, Chalmers Tech. Univ., Göteborg, Sweden
1984-86 Grant from Danish Natural Science Research Council
1987-88 Fellow at CERN
1989-93 Scientific associate, the Danish CERN Committee
1993-95 Adjunkt (asst prof) Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus Univ.
1995- Lektor (assoc prof) Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus Univ.
2005-08 Physics Group Leader, ISOLDE group, CERN
Committee memberships etc.
1993-96 The ISOLDE Committee (ISC), CERN
1996-99 Leader of the CRAK-centre (CERN related atomic and nuclear physics)
1996-2008 Scientific director of Euroschool on Exotic Beams
1999-2002 The International Nuclear Physics Advisory Committee, RIBF, RIKEN
2000-04 JYFL PAC, Jyväskylä (chairman from jan 03)
2000-06 Danish representative in NuPECC (Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee)
2002-06 Membre du Conseil Scientifique du GANIL
2002-06 Member of follow-up committee, IUAP, Belgium
2005- Danish member of ISCC (ISOLDE collaboration committee)
2005-08 Member of INTC, ISCC, ISOLDE upgrade committee (chair)
2005-09 Member of GANIL PAC
2010- Associate editor, Nuclear Physics A
2011- Member of Triumf Subatomic Physics Experiments Evaluation Committee