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Prof. Gyorgy Buzsaki

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    NYU Neuroscience Institute, New York University, New York, NY, USA

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    Featured Author: Gyorgy Buzsaki


    György Buzsáki was born 24 November 1949, in Kaposvár, Hungary. He completed his M.D. in 1974 at the University of Pécs in Hungary, and obtained his PhD in neuroscience under the supervision of Endre Grastyán from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. He went on to postdoctoral positions at the University of Texas in San Antonio and at the University of Western Ontario. Afterward, he was appointed Assistant/Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Physiology, University of Pecs, where he remained until 1988, when he was given an Associate Professor position at the University of California, San Diego. From there he moved to the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers University in Newark. As of 2012 he has been the Biggs Professor of Neural Sciences at New York University.

    Dr. Buzsáki has won numerous accolades in recognition of his contribution to neuroscience. Notably,

    • Science Achievement Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1986
    • The "F. Bottazzi Lecture", Annual Meeting of the Italian Physiological Society, Sorrento, Italy, 1991
    • The 35th "Swammerdam Lecture", Dutch Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1991
    • The "Moruzzi Lecture" , Invited Plenary Speaker, European Neuroscience Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 1996
    • The Pierre Gloor Award, American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, 1997
    • Krieg Cortical Discoverer Award, The Cajal Club, American Association of Anatomists, 2001

    In addition to being on the editorial boards of several journals including Neuron, Hippocampus, Epilepsia, The Thalamus etc. Dr. Buzsáki is regularly invited to deliver keynote addresses all around the globe. He is also the author of numerous scientific articles, and the popular book "Rhythms of the Brain", published by Oxford University Press.

    Dr. Buzsáki lab focusses on how neuronal circuitries of the brain support it's cognitive capacities, to provide rational, mechanistic explanations of cognitive functions at a descriptive level. To learn more about Dr. Buzsáki work, visit [1]

    Scholarpedia articles:

    Hippocampus, Scholarpedia, 6(1):1468. (2011)
    Neural Inhibition, Scholarpedia, 2(9):3286 (2007)

    (Author profile by Srikanth Ramaswamy)

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