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Real-time data analysis in particle physics
Vladimir Vava Gligorov (2024), Scholarpedia, 19(3):53035.
Particle physics experiments which produce more data than can be read out by their detectors or recorded to... more 

SuperSymmetry and the LHC Run 2
Iacopo Vivarelli (2024), Scholarpedia, 19(3):56131.
The idea of exploiting potential symmetries of a physical system to impose constraints on the system's Lagrangian... more 

Gravitational Waves: Ground-Based Interferometric Detectors
Marie Anne Bizouard and Nelson Christensen (2023), Scholarpedia, 18(12):53893.
A century after their prediction by Albert Einstein, gravitational waves, produced from a binary black hole merger... more 

The Top quark discovery
Guillaume Unal (2023), Scholarpedia, 18(6):55687.
The top quark, the heaviest elementary particle known to date, was discovered by the CDF and D0 collaborations in 1995... more 

Searching for Long-Lived BSM Particles at the LHC
Marie-Hélène Genest (2022), Scholarpedia, 17(12):54697.
By definition, a long-lived particle (LLP) is an unstable particle with a sizeable lifetime... more 
Focused encyclopedias are published by Springer/Atlantis Press as printed volumes. The first printed volume is....

Scholarpedia of Touch
Tony J. Prescott, Ehud Ahissar, and Eugene Izhikevich, Eds. (2016). Scholarpedia of Touch. Paris: Atlantis Press.
Touch is the ability to understand the world through physical contact. The noun “touch” and the verb “to touch” derive from the Old French verb “tochier”. Touch perception is also described by the adjectives tactile, from the Latin “tactilis”, and haptic, from the Greek “haptόs”... more 
Image by Springer/Atlantis Press licensed under CC BY 4.0, copyright 2016.
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