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From Scholarpedia
Authors of Scholarpedia are the most prominent authorities in their respective fields, typically the original inventors and discoverers, or winners of prestigious awards. Among them are the following legendary experts.
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Nobel Laureates
- Leon Cooper published BCM Rule and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory
- Albert Fert published Giant magnetoresistance
- Riccardo Giacconi published Cosmic X-ray Sources
- Clive Granger wrote the history part and reviewed Granger Causality
- Paul C. Lauterbur published MRI
- John C. Mather published Cosmic Background Explorer
- Ben Mottelson published Shape deformations in atomic nuclei
- Kary B. Mullis published PCR
- Gerard 't Hooft published Gauge Theories
- Yoichiro Nambu published Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
- May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser published Grid cells
- Roger Penrose published Spin-coefficient formalism
Fields Medalists
- John Milnor contributed Attractor
- Steve Smale contributed Smale Horseshoe
- Terence Tao contributed Szemerédi's Theorem
- Shing-Tung Yau contributed Calabi-Yau manifold
Dirac Medalists
- John J. Hopfield contributed Hopfield network
- Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev contributed Faddeev-Popov ghosts
- Roman W. Jackiw contributed Axial anomaly
- Stephen L. Adler contributed Adler sum rule
- Yakov Sinai contributed Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy
- Jean Iliopoulos contributed Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani mechanism
- Yoichiro Nambu contributed Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
- Roger Penrose published Spin-coefficient formalism
- Daniel S. Goldin served as NASA administrator/director (1992-2001).
- Leslie Lamport created LaTeX environment for math typesetting.
Eponymous (named after the discoverer/author/inventor) articles
- Adler sum rule by Stephen Adler
- Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly by Roman W. Jackiw
- Anosov Diffeomorphisms by Dmitri Anosov
- Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism by Stanley Deser
- Arnowitt-Deser-Misner energy by Stanley Deser
- Ashtekar variables by Abhay Ashtekar
- Barkley Model by Dwight Barkley
- Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin symmetry by Carlo Maria Becchi
- Bekenstein bound and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy by Jacob Bekenstein
- Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction by Anatol M. Zhabotinsky
- Bethe-Salpeter equation: origins by Edwin E. Salpeter
- Buchberger's algorithm by Bruno Buchberger
- Calabi-Yau manifold by Shing-Tung Yau
- Caldeira-Leggett model by Amir Caldeira
- Calogero-Moser system by Francesco Calogero
- Cappelli-Itzykson-Zuber A-D-E Classification by A.Cappelli and J.-B. Zuber
- Chirikov standard map by Boris Chirikov and Dima Shepelyansky
- Chua Circuit by Leon Chua
- Coleman-Mandula theorem by Jeffrey E. Mandula
- Cramér-Rao bound by Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao
- Degasperis-Procesi equation by Antonio Degasperis
- Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi equation by Guido Altarelli
- Dyson sphere by Freeman Dyson
- Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism by Thomas W B Kibble
- Ermentrout-Kopell Canonical Model by G. Bard Ermentrout
- Faddeev-Popov ghosts by Ludvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
- Fano inequality by Bob Fano (Bob is 90)
- FitzHugh-Nagumo Model by Richard FitzHugh
- Froissart bound by Marcel Froissart
- Gierer-Meinhardt Model by Hans Meinhardt
- Goodenough-Kanamori rule by John B. Goodenough
- Gowdy Spacetimes by Robert H. Gowdy
- Haken-Kelso-Bunz Model by Scott Kelso
- Hilbert-Huang Transform by Norden E. Huang
- Hopfield Network by John J. Hopfield
- Jakobson Theorem by Michael Jakobson
- Jordan-Brans-Dicke Theory by Carl H. Brans
- Kerr-Newman metric by Ezra (Ted) Newman and Tim Adamo
- Kohonen Network by Teuvo Kohonen
- Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy by Yakov Sinai
- Kondo effect by Jun Kondo
- Konishi anomaly by Kenichi Konishi
- Landshoff-Nachtmann model by Peter Landshoff
- Lieb-Liniger model of a Bose Gas by Elliott Lieb
- Lin's method by Xiao-Biao Lin
- Luce's choice axiom by Duncan Luce
- Luo-Rudy models by Ching-Hsing Luo
- Mackey-Glass equation by Leo Glass
- Matiyasevich theorem by Yuri Matiyasevich
- Mermin-Wagner theorem by H. Wagner
- Misner space by Charles W. Misner
- Morris-Lecar Model by Harold Lecar
- Morris water maze by Richard Morris
- Nambu-Jona-Lasinio modelby Giovanni Jona-Lasinio and Yoichiro Nambu
- Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation by Robert J. Sacker
- Nelder-Mead Algorithm by John Nelder
- Newman-Penrose formalism by Ezra (Ted) Newman and Roger Penrose
- Noble Model by Denis Noble
- Nordtvedt effect by Kenneth Nordtvedt
- Oja Learning Rule by Erkki Oja
- Ornstein Theorem by Donald Ornstein
- Oseledets Theorem by Valery Oseledets
- Parker wind by Eugene N. Parker
- Pearce-Hall Theory by Geoffrey Hall
- Petersen Diagram by Jørgen Otzen Petersen
- Petri net by Carl Adam Petri
- Plant Model by Richard E. Plant
- Rall Model by Wilfrid Rall
- Rao-Blackwell theorem by Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao
- Rescorla-Wagner Model by Robert Rescorla
- Rossler Attractor by Otto Rossler
- Ruijsenaars-Schneider model by Simon Ruijsenaars
- Sharkovsky Ordering by Aleksandr Sharkovsky
- Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov sum rule by Mikhail Shifman
- Shilnikov Bifurcation by Leonid Shilnikov
- Slavnov-Taylor identities by Andrei A. Slavnov
- Smale Horseshoe by Steve Smale
- Tully-Fisher Relation by Richard Brent Tully
- Viterbi algorithm by Andrew J. Viterbi
- Zaslavsky Map by George Zaslavsky
- Zinn-Justin equation by Jean Zinn-Justin
Original Discoverers/Inventors
(in addition to those mentioned above)
- Moshe Abeles created the notion of Synfire Chains
- Anthony T. Barker invented Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- Tim Bliss discovered LTP
- Lawrence B. Cohen invented Voltage-Sensitive Dye
- Graham L. Collingridge discovered NMDA
- Niles Eldredge invented the notion of Punctuated Equilibrium
- Franz Halberg coined the word Circadian
- Michel Jouvet discovered REM Sleep
- Paul C. Lauterbur invented MRI
- Humberto Maturana invented the notion of Autopoiesis
- Vernon Mountcastle discovered Cortical Columns
- Seiji Ogawa invented fMRI
- Giacomo Rizzolatti discovered Mirror Neurons
- Eugene Roberts discovered GABA in the brain
- Gordon M. Shepherd discovered Dendro-Dendritic Synapses (with Wil Rall)
- Ichiji Tasaki discovered Saltatory Conduction in 1940s
- Endel Tulving coined the word Episodic memory
- Larry Weiskrantz discovered Blindsight
- Benoit Mandelbrot invented the notion of Fractals
- Maurício Matos Peixoto created the notion of Structural Stability
- Norman J. Zabusky invented the term Soliton
- Herman Haken created Synergetics
- Mordehai Milgrom came up with the idea of MOND
Engineering/Computer Science
- Andrew G. Barto created Temporal Difference Learning theory
- Leonardo Chiariglione created the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
- John M. Cioffi invented DSL
- Alain Colmerauer created PROLOG
- John H. Conway invented Game of Life
- Marco Dorigo invented Ant Colony Optimization
- Kunihiko Fukushima created Neocognitron
- Lajos Hanzo contributed GSM
- Geoffrey E. Hinton invented Boltzmann Machine
- John H. Holland invented Genetic Algorithms
- Dervis Karaboga invented Artificial bee colony algorithm
- Alan Kay created SMALLTALK
- Thomas K Landauer created the Latent Semantic Analysis approach
- Jerry Swartz invented Barcodes and Laser scanning
- Mads Tofte created Standard ML language
- Andrew J. Viterbi invented the Viterbi Algorithm
- Jack Wolf invented Slepian-Wolf coding
- Lotfi Zadeh created Fuzzy Logic
Cognitive Science
- John Searle came up with the Chinese room argument